Every industry has them. Myths about a company, product, or service that just won’t die. These are great topics of discussion. When you’re looking for content creation ideas, be inspired by the myths about your industry!

You can combine these myths into a list format to get even more traction with your information.

  • Top 10 Myths about Office Automation
  • 5 Canada Revenue Agency Myths that Just Won’t Die
  • 8 Search Engine Optimization Myths You Shouldn’t Believe
  • Top 10 Reflexology Myths – Busted!

As mentioned earlier, if you’re looking for inspiration (a.k.a. I don’t know what to write about), do an online search for <industry / product / service> myths and you’ll come up with at least a few sites that you can use as the basis for your post.

Coming up with content ideas can be tough. Taking on the topic of myths can lead you to a great number of posts if you can write in enough depth about each. Educate your customers and showcase your expertise by being your very own myth buster!

Thank you for reading today’s post on content creation ideas. What did you think? Leave your thoughts with us in the comment form below. Tune in tomorrow for another great content creation idea!