What kind of questions do you get asked regularly? Have you answered questions privately (i.e. by email or FB messenger) but not put them on your site? What kind of questions do you WISH you were being asked? These are great content creation ideas.

If you don’t have a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page on your website, it’s a good idea to create one. Or, if you have multiple services, then put your FAQ on each of those pages themselves. This can be good for several reasons.

  1. Adding answers to questions on a regular basis makes your page fresh. Search engines like fresh content so it can make your page more relevant.
  2. Just adding more content to your page can make it more relevant. Many of the top-ranked pages in Google are LONG with lots of content. Add more content, make your page more likely to be ranked higher.
  3. People like answers to questions. Having a substantial FAQ section on your page or site makes you look more knowledgeable and more importantly, approachable. If you’re willing to take the time to answer questions with thought and care, people will see that and will be more inclined to do business with you when they’re ready.

If there are lots of questions people could ask about your products or services, there are many opportunities for content generation. You can easily populate your blog, website, or social media profiles with a question of the week.

People are hungry for information. Feed them well and you’ll get better search engine rankings, people will view you more positively, and ultimately you’ll get more business. Get asked, give answers, and ye shall receive!