What’s Your New Normal?

What’s Your New Normal?

Here’s hoping that you’re doing alright during these challenging times. It’s been a challenging time for me, so I assume it’s the same way for most. Some people have more challenges than others. We’re not in the same boat, but we’re...
Fighting Misinformation

Fighting Misinformation

In “the good old days”, there was “truth”. Not that it was actually true, but a good chunk of people generally believed in a single narrative that was accepted as the truth. That’s not the case today. Today’s information landscape...
The Power is In Your Finger

The Power is In Your Finger

It’s easy to be helpful online. All you have to do is click on something. Really. That’s it. Every time you click your mouse, you’re making a contribution. Your mouse click will be registered somewhere as a data point. What you clicked on can really...