The Infinite Game

The Infinite Game

I’m reading Simon Sinek’s book ‘The Infinite Game’. The focus of the book is that one needs to be able to distinguish between finite and infinite games. Having a proper mindset for each will be necessary for success. What makes a game finite?...
No More Excuses

No More Excuses

$20 buys a 128 GB USB stick at Staples. That’s $20, plus H.S.T., if you want to get technical.  Does your business have $22.60 in the bank? Good. Do you have all your business data backed up? I hope so, but if not, you have no excuses now. I have 22 years of...
Your Digital Legacy

Your Digital Legacy

This morning I had the pleasure of speaking at the Age Friendly Technology and Health Forum put on by the Thorold Age Friendly Committee. My topic was “Managing Your Digital Legacy”. I was pleased to find that many people found the topic interesting and...
I Had An Idea . . .

I Had An Idea . . .

. . . and I’ve spent the last 20 minutes trying to remember it. It was a good idea too, if I recall. The kind of idea that would have been easy to write about. A pretty good topic for a blog post that I think people would have found interesting. Yet here I am,...
$2500 Can Be Yours

$2500 Can Be Yours

Most Ontario businesses that are part of a BIA (Business Improvement Area) are eligible for up to $2500 in grant money through the Digital Main Street Grant program. This program is offered through the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association (OBIAA). Eligible...