Getting the best results from your email marketing campaign is your goal, right? That means you’re going to use the best tools at your disposal. We talked about using email marketing software in yesterday’s post. Today we’re going to discuss one of the best ways to use that software, and that’s to personalize your email messages.

3 Reasons to Personalize

  • An email with a personalized subject line is more likely to be opened.
  • Messages with relevant content are more likely to be acted upon.
  • People prefer personalized messages so ROI is higher.

There are lots of ways to personalize your messages, but before you start, you have to have the right information. How exactly do you personalize? The answer is to know your customers better, and that means asking questions.

Knowing your customers better means you can send them information that is more relevant to them. More relevant emails are going to have a higher ROI. What’s not to like about this?

Personalization doesn’t just apply to your email messages. If you’re a small business you can leverage the power of your people to personalize your business. If a message comes from a company it’s easier to ignore than when it comes from a person at your company. Think about personalizing your “from” email address to be from a staff email account instead of a generic one like “info”. Include a picture of the staff person who the message is from. Making your business more human is another way to personalize your messages.

We know email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses. Leverage your customer knowledge and the people in your company to personalize your messages and your business. With the right tools and the right customer knowledge you’ll have a better than average chance of creating a successful email marketing campaign.

Thank you for reading today’s post! Please let me know what you think by leaving a comment below. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s next post on email marketing campaigns!