Randomize Slides with Divi Slider

Randomize Slides with Divi Slider

I am a fan of the Divi theme from Elegant Themes. It’s got a lot of features built in so you don’t need to buy as many plugins to give your site the visual oomph you want. One thing it doesn’t have though is the built-in ability to randomize sliders....
Sabotaging Your Brand with Email

Sabotaging Your Brand with Email

I cringe every time I see a business professional use an email address that is not of their brand. Every. Time. If a business has a website with its own domain, there is no valid excuse not to use an email address from some other company. No. Valid. Excuse. When I see...
What Happened to Web Traffic Solutions?

What Happened to Web Traffic Solutions?

For the record, I have absolutely no idea. Web Traffic Solutions (WTS) was a Niagara web design company that was around until 2016 as far as I can tell. Looking at the archived versions of the site available using the Wayback Machine (https://archive.org), it seems...
SEO Won’t Save You

SEO Won’t Save You

“Huh? I thought you did SEO for a living? Why are you telling people not to do it?” There’s on really simple reason I say this: because it’s true in a lot of cases. For many businesses, SEO isn’t going to help them. Why? Because they...
What Happened to Web Traffic Solutions?

Is This Legit? Spot the Phish

In today’s installment of Is This Legit?, we’re going to look at an email from Spotify and look for the cues that show this is a phishing attempt. I hope you learned something from the video. Please leave a comment below if you found it useful. If...