The Useful Blog
You Know Enough. Start Doing.
I'm going to take a leap of faith and assume that you know lots about marketing. How many articles have you read on the subject over the years? How many seminars and conferences have you attended...
SEO is Never Complete
Search engine optimization (SEO) is by necessity a never-ending process. The actions you take today may get you top rankings in the SERPs (search engine results pages), but what happens when things...
For the Love of Pete – Update!
WordPress websites are now the norm. As with most content management systems (CMS), there are lots of moving parts, and these are constantly being updated. Failure to update a WordPress website can...
The Right Tools For the Job
In the online marketing world, there are dozens of tools that you can use to "make your job easier". The problem is, sometimes you don't know what the tools are best used for. You can waste a lot of...
Stop Wasting Money on SEO
Search Engine Optimization works. No doubt about it. Getting top rankings can bring more people to your website. So what? I mean, yes, it's great that you have more traffic. What I'm getting at...
Relax: It’s a Solicitation
If you're a business owner, you've probably received one of these before. I wrote about this last year, but I thought it was worth talking about again. If you don't read the contents carefully, you...
Looking For Gold in the Junk Folder
Technology's supposed to make our lives easier. I think by now, most people will have noticed that while tech is good, it's not flawless. A case in point: the junk mail folder. As spam detection...
Back to Basics
If you use a computer as part of your business, this post is for you. What would happen to your business if your computer(s) were unavailable to you for a day, or two, or twenty? This morning, I...
What Hackers Want From Your Website
Small business owners often downplay the risks of their websites being hacked. Yet, thousands of sites are hacked every day. Here are a few thoughts about what hackers might find valuable beyond...
After 27 years in business, The Web For is only taking on select new clients.