September 8th, 2024 is our 27th business anniversary.

We are taking on select new clients.

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On Page SEO Basics: URL

On Page SEO Basics: URL

Let's go over some of the SEO best practices for the URL. Perhaps we should start by answering the question: What is a URL? URL is short for Uniform Resource Locator. Every webpage, document, video, or other type of resource found online has a URL. Most people refer...

On Page SEO Basics: Word Count

On Page SEO Basics: Word Count

Short and sweet? Long and verbose? What works best for SEO? The "official" word from Google is that the number of words on your page is not a ranking factor. Google is trying to provide their users with quality content. You can write ten thousand words and still have...

Does Everyone Need SEO?

Does Everyone Need SEO?

This is a heretical viewpoint to some, but I'll share it anyway. SEO may not be the most important marketing investment your business can make. There are situations where SEO isn't appropriate. I want to throw this thought into the middle of our Basic SEO tips series...

"Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; Teach them how to use the internet and they won't bother you for weeks"

Author Unknown

"The greatest thing about the internet is that you can quote something and just totally make up the source."

~ Benjamin Franklin ~

"Almost overnight, the internet's gone from a technical wonder to a business must."

~ Bill Schraeder ~

"On the internet even our privacy is public."

~ Terri Guillemets ~

"The internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life."

~ Andrew Brown ~

The Web For - Website Development, Online Marketing & Strategy


After 27 years in business, The Web For is only taking on select new clients.

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Ontario, Canada

Cell: 289-241-3080

Email: Click Here

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